mardi 6 janvier 2009

Asbestos Exposur
Asbestos exposure has been linked to a number of life-threatening diseases, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. Asbestos exposure is also known to cause a non-cancerous disease called asbestosis, which involves scarring of the lung tissue. Most asbestos exposure related illnesses stem from the inhalation of asbestos fibers. Individuals breathe in asbestos particles during asbestos exposure and the fibers become trapped in lung tissue.

Some asbestos-related illnesses do not manifest symptoms until many years later, even decades after initial asbestos exposure. However, some people develop serious ailments within a few months of asbestos exposure.

The length of asbestos exposure also correlates to the severity of the illness, with those patients who had long-term asbestos exposure usually experiencing more acute forms of the disease than individuals whose asbestos exposure lasted only a few months.

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